11 January 2010

Name Change and Dinner

I finally changed the name of this blog to Buttonwillow Six Eats. Why? I almost never post about anything other than food. When I started, I thought maybe I would post about all sorts of things I like: video games or art and design, mass transit, libraries, and maybe even politics. And I have, a little. But not very often. So this is now exclusively a food blog from here on out. Eventually I will even put up a new banner/design.

To kick that off, I will be posting my dinner menus as often as I remember to do so. I troll the web looking for dinner ideas, so I will add some of mine to the mix.

Tonight we are having sweet potato and black bean enchiladas, with a side of swiss chard and extra black beans.

Sweet potatoes or yams taste great with cheese and enchilada sauce (especially the Trader Joe's Enchilada Sauce I am currently hooked on). Sometimes I make swiss chard and cheese enchiladas too, but tonight I decided I wanted it on the side with a squeeze of lemon.

1 comment:

Schwan's said...

Buttonwillow Six Eats,

Looking forward to reading your blog and learning new recipes. Hope you'll check us out as well. Visit www.schwans.com for great recipes and join in on the conversation on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

Happy Eating!
