Here is my very first piece of produce off of my balcony garden. It is a Serrano pepper. I am not 100% sure when I should pick it, but it is looking close to ready (or at least it is looking too heavy for the branch it is on!) It is so shiny and perfect looking. I am used to my peppers from the supermarket looking a little more dried out, so it almost seems unripe. But I can't imagine it should stay there much longer. There are 4 other little peppers coming up, too.
Also, this is my 100th post! That seems like a lot. I wonder how long until my 200th post...
I'm still confused about when peppers are ready too. I had some that I thought I took off to early that were green (jalapenos and another variety) and then I had some that were just starting to turn red that I took off but they had this light brown lines on them then, like they were drying out. Plus after picking them, they start going soft after only a couple days...
I just picked it, thinking it would be safe if I gave it at least another week. But now I think it was still too early. I expect peppers to be a little hollow. This still feels quite solid. Of course this won't stop me from cooking with it tonight...
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